The written word: A great business marketing tool-Part 1

December 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

It’s not a secret that writing a book is a key piece to someone’s climb to success. It also remains the best way to spread the word about your business. If you have your own business you are most likely to be approcable and smart. Why not channel some of your skills into a book that will help to establish you in your field?

There is a myth that you have to be great writer to get started. It is exactly that. A myth. The only thing you need to get going is a killer idea and great guidance along the way. Leave the editing, proof- reading and other technical aspects to people that do those jobs for a living.

As businessmen and women we generally have to juggle work life and home life; which many of us do without a single complaint. Even though you don’t have to be Tolstoy, you do need to be disciplined and setting aside precious time each day can prove a bit tricky. But what does success mean to you? Can you really afford to lose out on another stream of income because you can’t set aside 30 minutes each day?

Whether you get published through an agent or go down the road of self-publishing you shouldn’t miss out on this opportunity. Many authors have talked about how their books have led them to accept speaking engagements all over the world. The publishing world is a multi-million pound business; so why not stake your claim on a piece? 🙂

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